With an above average temperature and sunny skies I felt it was a perfect time to break out the camera and spend a day at the Virginia Zoo in Norfolk, Virginia. I only vaguely remember visiting the zoo when I was very young and it was a placeIMG_2324 I’ve been curious about and wanting to visit again. Lately just like my writing and other various projects I woke up one day and said, “what are you waitting for?” and then just picked a day and went for it.  I’m happy to say the Zoo is a great place to be that will be more than enough for any animal lover. As soon as I walked in I heard the familiar caw of peacocks and was surprised how close and calm these birds would get to guest.

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The Peacocks looked lively and seem to go anywhere they wanted. I was sitting at a bench and one decided to walk behind me about 2 feet from my back. I turned slowly and got some wonderful photos (Some above in the slideshow) of his pretty colors that glistened in the sunlight. I wanted to pet the bird but thought it would not be best, didn’t want to scare him or get pecked. He fluttered slightly and gave me a few loud caws only amplified by how close I was. After his audible display he preened his wing, pecked at the ground and slowly strutted off. Such beautiful birds.

Not too long ago there was a local news story about a sneaky Red Panda IMG_2291that I can only assume climbed to the tip top of the trees one night and leaped to freedom escaping her habitat named Sunny. I was reminded by the escape by some of the other guest and noticing the Red Panda habitat was the only habitat I could see that had many tall branches trimmed or completely removed from some of the trees.  Some may think the Panda may be around or even in the Zoo just hiding very well but no one can say for certain. The police department, volunteers, zoo officials even the use of drones and infrared cameras have been used to find the poor Panda but no luck yet. if the information is up to date and accurate on the Virginia Zoo Red Panda Missing Page, she still has not been found. The other Red Panda’s seem well taken care of and I just hope wherever Sunny is she’s healthy and will be found very soon with the hot summer right around the corner.

The zoo host many other exhibits and animals to see and it’s a place that’s worth a visit. I look forward later this year when the World of Reptiles opens up which should have 60 new exhibits. I look forward to seeing  the lizards, crocodiles and more later this year so a second trip is a must and new photo’s will be taken. If you want to see more photo’s from my day in the zoo make sure to check out the Virginia Zoo Imgur Album here and the entire Starwind Creations Imgur in general which has some random photo’s but is slowly growing just like this place here.


Until next time, take care.

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