Lots of ideas and plans in the works but first some minor changes coming in for Starwind Creations. I cannot express how happy I am just to brainstorm future things to write, read, create and more. This site always has been a “let’s see if I can do it” place to just put all my thoughts and ideas out on paper just to build confidence. I’m happy how far I’ve come and to cement my commitment to being creative I have upgraded my WordPress here to give me more storage space and to remove ads. The extra space will be put to great use I dive into original D&D content, adding art to pages and starting new projects. The removal of ads will hopefully bring in new readers so not only they can enjoy my content but I hope for lots of feedback to learn, grow and of course inspire myself further.

Thank you to any and all readers, and now, some updates!

Aarakocra Aviary:

The Aviary is the primary focus of all my creative energy at the moment. This passion project is something I’ve had in mind for about a year now and I’m excited to explore how much it will grow. At the moment there is no stopping point and I am working to maintain my goal of one new post per week.

Book Thoughts:

Book Thoughts tab under writing has been removed but far from forgotten. Current amount of creative time has been cut due to a busy summer and I made the choice to keep focus on the Aarakocra Aviary since it’s my weekly update project at the moment. Book Thoughts will return with new Redwall content and other works of animal fiction in a possible new cross post idea between D&D and Book content.

Game Moments:

With more of my time focused on original content such as D&D homebrew ideas I’m moving away from gaming but will keep the tab open as a possible source of inspiration in the future. Looking back at old content I may focus more on mods, dlc, older games and retro games.

Explorer Log:

The Explorer Log is going bye bye. The post will remain but I don’t need this section as well as the Photo’s section for a place to tell a great story about great places and pictures.

New Content:


  • Music
    • Armed with a new Keyboard and some new software to create music I would like to start adding some original pieces of music to Starwind Creations
  • Art
    • Most of my post are right to the point of writing, photo’s and content making the site look rather dull. Time is going to be taken along side of writing to practice and attempt to add some original art for new banners, cover pages and logo’s to give the site little more colorful flavor.
  • Pictures
    • New section being added called “Random acts of Nature” to highlight and post random photo’s from the outdoors.


Be on the look out for more coming soon!

Until next time.

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