This new addition is something cool, real “coo” as we introduce the Pigeon Aarakocra on this week’s addition to the Aarakocra Aviary. As always I do some research into my avians to get a general idea of how I want the creature or class to be built. During my research process I came across an interesting documentary about Pigeons that made the creation process for this Aarakocra harder but made me respect the pigeon even more than I already do.

I envisioned a robust and hardy avian that has many resistances when brainstorming ideas for the Pigeon Aarakocra thanks to years of living in crowded dirty environments of major cities. I never thought of them as highly  intelligent fliers that can use roads, train tracks and other man made visual cues to navigate. One thing that surprised me was how diverse the genetic line of a pigeon can be with selective breeding.. Pigeons can come in all types of colors, sizes, feather sizes, personalities and even different styles of flight. Just amazing birds that are ripe to for a place in the Aarakocra Aviary that I predict will have many versions in the future. For now the Pigeon will be introduced into the Aviary as a city bird jack of all trades.

Pigeon – Aarakocra Aviary

As always I am open to ideas and feedback but I hope any and all readers enjoy the content. The next update to the Aarakocra Aviary will go down to the farm with a rough and tough avian, the Rooster Aarakocra.

2022 UPDATE!

Enjoyed my idea or curious for more? First of all, Thank you. Second, check out the new version right here by clicking this link!

Until next time, thank you for reading. Stay Cool, Stay Wild.


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