My only regret that comes to mind with this game is that I did not have the chance to support the development of this title on kickstarter. If I knew sooner I would’ve supported the devs much more and not just for the Bandit Clan DLC I missed out on but because growing up reading Redwall by Brian Jacques I always dreamed how cool it would be to quest on adventures as animals in a dangerous fantasy world (outside of a D&D campaign) and League of Geeks has done a great job creating Armello, A tabletop adventure brought to life. If I had to describe Armello I’d say it fits into the category of easy to play but challenging to master. During game play you have to take into account the board, enemy movement, your stats, quest and of course the glory that is random number generators with rolls of dice that either had me breath a sigh of relief when I landed that last point of attack die or stand up out of my chair in shock when I missed every single roll on a peril challenge. in-writing-photoI’ve been trying a few of the characters out and my favorite has to be the shield maiden from the Wolf Clan, Magna. Magna’s strength is her defense and belonging to the Wolf Clan she has a good pool of health and attack damage. Add in stat boosting cards and quest to complete she has proven to be an unstoppable force earning me 2 victories so far by maintaining the most prestige and slaying the corrupted lion king.

20161204005013_1Besides this big and powerful wolf you have other characters to try out such as other wolves, magic and heavy weapon wielding bears, rogue like rats and another favorite character of mine, Amber one of 3 other rabbits which I would describe as an explorer with a great talent for finding treasure and gold.


I look forward to what else is in store for the development of this game and posting more interesting stories from my campaign here. I have read information that the Bandit Clan DLC is set to release sometime in 2017. If it’s true I look forward to giving League of Geeks more support and seeing what else is in store for Armello.

Read more about League of Geeks and check out Armello for yourself.

Thanks for reading, until next time.

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