A world for this madness

The Aarakocra Aviary, it’s an idea that has taken too long to be finalized and published. This is a “put up or shut up” moment. I’m working on focusing on completing a final product. New writing, ideas and brainstorms centered on the Aarakocra Aviary has continued and as the flock grows and expands so does the land and skies these avian’s use or call home. One territory or city has now become a nation. One nation becomes many other nations. These nations needed a continent to grow on, flags to raise and problems to solve; you can see how I came to the conclusion that I’m going to need a world to house all of these ideas, places and peoples. The world is named Indari and this is its map.

Map of the World

World of Indari, a rough first version of the map

Where the beast are

This world is full of the common real life inspired and fantasy creatures, races and species you would find in any tabletop setting but this project focuses on 4 groups I call the Beast of Indari.

The Feth Flock of Rica

This is the united flock of Aarakocra that make up the foundation of the Aarakocra Aviary. Other continents of Indari may have smaller flocks to be found but Feth is a signal nation of Aarakocra made up of many flocks, avians and other airborne creatures that are united under the leadership of a peafowl royal family as a reaction to the dangers and hardships of a world changing disaster called the Starfall Event. 

The Squeaks of Otterpaw

Inspired by my love of Redwall, Otterpaw is a young nation made up of mostly rodents but also has small populations of rodent adjacent mammals such as but not limited to rabbits, otters and raccoons. Hard working and tightly knit, the Squeaks, as they’re known to others in Indari, are working hard to build a new way of life for themselves after many years of subservient labor for a larger nation in Equioa they escaped from.

The Kityasi of Ahgrasa

Beyond the dangerous equatorial rainforest are the fertile and resource rich grasslands and plains that are home to the Kityasi, a African wild dog multi tailed Kitsune like race of canines. Isolated and insulated because of the brutal and harsh environment of the Ahgrasian continent this rather unknown group has just recently united under a signal pack banner and are in a period of rapid growth and expansion.

The Dragonborn of the Thousand Isles

The Scaleswirl Archipelago, called the Thousand Isles by travelers, traders and sailors of Indari, is home to dragonborn that have a more, Long or Lung dragon elongated body. These dragonborn are skilled anglers and proficient ship makers taking advantage of both new skills and old knowledge about the islands. These native dragonborn are vital to any outsider looking to travel and explore the more abnormal and chaotic islands in the archipelago.

Where to go from here?

Lots of work, lots and lots of work. Writing, art and of course since this is going to be a D&D world content that can fit in a campaign setting. It’ll be an uphill battle, but a battle I look forward to participating in.

Thank you for reading and taking a small peek into my journey. Be on the lookout for more updates soon, until next time.

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