About Me

Have you ever entertained yourself for hours on end weaving in and out of fantasy? Have you ever read a good book, watched a movie or played a video game and had afterthoughts like, “It would be cool if they did this,” “I’d love to see that,” “This is good but it would be better if I saw this?” I’ve had those kinds of thoughts all the time and I believe recently they reached a boiling point.

I sat down and I started to write with the simple goal of documenting my ideas, dreams and things I wanted to either see and/or do. Once I was done with one page front to back I found myself reaching for more paper. I knew something was very wrong and it needed to change if I could fill a sheet of paper of what I wanted to do but hadn’t done, yet.

I am a newcomer to the creative world but I am committed to learn and create. I will be focusing on Art and Writing with a side push into Music and Gaming. Talking about it gets me excited but posting my future work here to the public gives me a sense of motivation. Don’t wanna be all talk and let my list continue to boil over.

Past Problems and Present Challenges

Starwind Creations is an old site I made a few years back after the recommendation from a friend. It was (and kinda still is) an “anything” blog that I used to document cool places, random writing and photos. As time went on, the frequency of posts slowly died down and the quality even suffered at least in my eyes. One part was entirely my fault when I lost motivation foolishly comparing myself to more accomplished writers and artist. 

The other part was lack of time due to the common stresses we all experience around work, school and money. I found myself burying myself in work because it was an easy excuse to have. “I can’t read, write or draw because I got this project, or that task, or thing to turn in.” Add on a new house, new responsibilities, creativity was soon on the back burners for a long time. Then the effects of Coronavirus Lockdown hit.

The Lockdown Reflection

So began a few days of relaxation where I took the time to slow down from the demands of the work routine. I turned off all my alarms and any other visual or audio reminders to keep to a schedule. I called this first period of time The Time of Rest. But no one can spend too long doing nothing. Soon the 2nd period started I called The Great Refresh. With not much to do lots of cleaning and reorganization was done around my home, my car even my yard. I believe others on my street had the same idea because weeks into the lockdown in front of every home was piles of junk, trash and debris. It was oddly inspiring to see so many cleaning and staying busy. 

The final and most important period began and this took up most of my time while in full lockdown. The Lockdown Reflection, this was the time when I started to become honest with myself and honest with how I was feeling, where I was and what I wanted. This is when the page of ideas was created, this was also when I realized how much I was holding myself back. If this virus hit me what goals and dreams would I be leaving behind if the worse case scenario happened? Risk and fear be damned it was up to me to come out of this lockdown stronger and more focused. What better place to start was with something I wanted to do.

Final Thought

I’m nervous, excited, not sure what is going to work or if anything will catch anyone’s attention. But I’m going to try. This place will serve as my public display and motivation to try and bring my ideas off a piece of paper and into the real world.

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