This is where all the work will be published for my first great project into the world of D&D Homebrew. The Aarakocra Aviary is a giant love letter to my favorite race in my favorite game all because of my fascination and love of birds (as seen from older post). What you’ll see here is racial, feat, item and class ideas all based around the Aarakocra and other avian race’s such as the Kenku. I am open to any input but above all else I hope others enjoy my work.

The Aviary 1

The Aviary 1. Print friendly and basic information pages for playing The Owl, Parrot and Pigeon Aarakocra.

The Owl Aarakocra

Owl Aarakocra Ver.0

Owl Aarakocra Ver.1

The Pigeon Aarakocra

Pigeon Aarakocra Ver.0

Pigeon Aarakocra Ver.1

The Parrot Aarakocra

Parrot Aarakocra Ver.0

Parrot Aarakocra Ver.1

Time to tap into great and powerful avian talents in the, Aviary Feats.

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